+++ GABLER goes green In the course of the conversion to an electric fleet (E/Hybrid), the first electric fuel pump was installed on the company premises. The first company car is also already available. More will follow


+++ Module qualification Digital Strategy In November and December 2019 the module qualification “Digital Strategy” took place again, organised by nordmetall, together with the northern institute of technology and many other partners. We were able to complete the 4 modules together with tkMS and Airbus – with 6 participants each. We cannot recommend it highly enough! If you are interested …


+++ Working in times of the Corona crisis Fortunately, we have not yet been directly affected by a corona case. And we are doing everything we can to keep it that way. Additional to extensive hygiene measures, separate shifts and changing presences of core functions are part of our crisis management. Extensive home office regulations also help to reduce the …


+++ New website launchedFinally, the time has come. After months of hard work we can now present a new website to our business partners. New design, extended functions and information as well as the central presentation of our broad service portfolio. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our partner Effecticore for their great work. Have fun …